A world where kingdoms rise and fall, each with its own rich history and vibrant culture. Burned away by the flames of war and gone forever, a new age of peace has finally risen from the ashes.
On the eastern continent, the forces of magic and ancient technology are starting to intertwine, shaping the entire world in the process.
In campaign 1, it is here amongst the sprawling cities of the southern kingdom and the misty fjords of the northern lands, that we begin the story...
It's original name lost to time, Grayrock is simply named now due to the terrain being mainly rock and ice plains.
Amidst this harsh landscape, ice-covered mountains pierce the sky, their jagged peaks shrouded in swirling blizzards.
Various tribes clash for dominance, their struggles fueled by ancient rivalries. Largely untouched by the influence of the land to it's south, it is the last area on the eastern continent where non-human races reside.
Here the people have slowly moved away from being known as the cultural joining of the lands to the west and their neighbor to the north to create their own identity.
Airships move through the skies while towering cities rise up to meet them, powered by magic-infused crystals and ancient technology.
Ardgar now stands as the epicenter of the change affecting the rest of the world.